march 2024


Taylor +


Taylor was a destination bride hailing from New York City. Upon meeting her at the trial, I knew she was an amazing fit for me and my team. She wasn’t quite sure what she wanted for her wedding day look when she came from the trial but she wanted to play around and figure it out. Ultimately we completely changed everything from the trial and she completely listened to our recommendations on how to make the look better suit her! Taylor booked me and my head hairstylist for her and her bridal party and took our advice on extensions, tan lines, touch up materials, and everything in between. 

Taylor booked us for her welcome party as well, where we did a fun shimmery eye look with a down do that featured a slicked part and Old Hollywood Wave. We wanted to do something colorful and fun that played with the colorful florals of her welcome party as well as her colorful shoes! It was also very different than the look she wanted for the wedding day.

On the wedding day we went with a matte timeless eye look with full coverage on the skin, and she had a brushed out voluminous wave down do. It complimented her beautiful dress and face so well! The wedding was an absolute dream and took place in the amazing location of Palm Beach. Taylor has some family that lives there and thats how they settled on the location! Taylor and her husband, Bradley, met at the gym, and its no surprise that while we started getting some of the bridesmaids ready Taylor went for a quick workout! Taylor’s gorgeous pup, Romy, was also part of the celebrations and stole the show when the couple went to go take pictures! Once Taylor was ready it was spectacular to see how her look came together. Her wedding style was immaculate and featured a Maison Signore gown paired with Chanel white pearl bridal heels. Taylor’s look will definitely go down in history as one of my favorites! 

Her and her husband looked amazing throughout the day and night and exchanged vows in front of the beautiful Palm Beach ocean! It was so beautiful to hear how they met through a mutual passion, fitness and they even met at their local gym! I loved getting to know Taylor through the wedding planning process, and through her beautiful wedding weekend. I loved each detail of her wedding, she is the definition of a classic, timeless bride! 

Truly an epic weekend.